Celebrating the finest in utterly depressing cinema©
The Gun in the Mouth Film Festival™

The Gun in the Mouth Film Society™ is currently surveying prospective exhibition venues for The Gun in the Mouth Film Festival. If you are the proprietor of such a venue and would like to host the Festival, please contact The Gun in the Mouth Advisory Board at [INSERT E-MAIL ADDRESS].

[The Gun in the Mouth Film Festival will convene with introductory remarks by a presenter from the Gun in the Mouth Advisory Board while standing behind a lectern. At the conclusion of the introductory remarks, the presenter will bang a gun (instead of a gavel) against the lectern and then place the gun in an open coffin. The presenter (as well as all other Advisory Board members present) will be dressed in black & white clothing or clothing appropriate for a funeral. The photographic portrait of Mel Forsyth, Advisory Board Member-at-Large, will be hung in clear view. In as much as possible, the aesthetic of the film festival will evoke the experience of visiting a funeral home. There will be funeral flowers and somber organ music punctuated by sudden bursts of death metal. Festival attendees will be given anxiety and depression medication to eat during the festival (sugar pills) and pamphlets on how to combat anxiety and clinical depression. The festival will be designed as an endurance test as one gun-in-the-mouth film is shown after another. As people leave the festival screening room (presumably because they can no longer take the sheer weight of the neverending gun-in-the-mouth material), the sound of a gun shot and a slumping body will play upon their exit. The last person that remains in the festival will receive a medal and the honor of closing the coffin that contains the gun, both which will signify their triumph over the sheer melancholic, existential horror of their gun-in-the-mouth experience. The winner will also have the honor of being identified on the Gun in the Mouth Film Society Web site.]

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